7 Ways to Grow in Your Walk

2.5 minute read

We have a small house, but we have a big yard.

After Heidi “The Beast” Gupton ripped through the lattice lower half of our back fence, we decided it was a pointless fence anyway and pulled it out. Gup then spent the better part of 2020 restoring and tending to the yard. He even laid every stone along the back fence (after first confiscating them from a field next to a retirement home, but that’s really neither here nor there). 

His mom is incredibly gifted in landscaping, and she helped select (and fund) quite a bit of the planting in the backyard. My one contribution was spray-painting the ground to outline my vision for the bed he then created - complete with weed guard, metal framing, and mulch. 

Lots of sweat-equity in this yard, and one could say it is our home’s greatest asset. 

This week, my mom was here, and we set up a slip n’ slide in the backyard. (This was just 1 of the 72342399823746166733372623356 gifts and fun activities she showered my children with for the record). After playing in/on the slip n’ slide for about an hour, we left it on the grass to go run an errand. When we came back, the groundskeeper (aka Gup), had ripped that baby off the grass... and I could tell he was in a tiny tizzy. 

We killed the grass, guys. 

It’s a small patch (or 3), but the dead, brown, sad, crusty, crunchy area is now all we see in the sea of green, lush beauty. It hurts my eyes to look back there, and I keep saying, “It will grow back… Wait, will it grow back? It will right? I’m so sorry!”

Per usual, I’m coming in hot with another loose analogy : Don’t be the crusty, crunchy dead spot this summer. We tend to let our guard down in the summer with bedtimes, routine, and indulgences. Don’t let this seep into your Walk! Stay in the Word, stay diligent, and guard your heart. Yes the dead spot will grow back, that’s not my point, my point is to stay alert to suffocating slip n’ slides because they’re erry’where when we let our guard down. 

Faith Walk Strengtheners to stay rooted in Truth so this summer is a season of growth, not crusty stagnation:

1.Pick a book from the Bible and incorporate the FEAST method. Bonus points for finding a friend or a spouse to study it with you.

Some favorites according to what season of life you’re in…

New to the Bible? John
Overwhelmed? Isaiah
In a waiting period? Jeremiah
Love structure/Type A? Proverbs
Free spirit/need some creativity? Psalms
Struggle with asking for help? Psalms again
Love ‘em short and sweet? 1 & 2 Peter
In a leadership role? Titus
Rule follower? James
Craving growth? Romans
Struggling with whether Jesus really died for you? John

If you are doubting God and/or whether anything the Bible says is even real, I know the Bible can be a weird place to start. In this case, I suggest reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis this summer.

These are obviously generalizations, and there are several more books to consider. Please reach out if you have any questions! I am not an expert, but I am responsive :) 

2. Pray. Daily. As much as you can. Here’s how. 

3. If you have not found a church body, I gently suggest making this your summer goal. What better time to research, ask around, and start visiting! Pro-tip: If you have little ones, call the church you plan to attend ahead of time and ask about childcare or ask a friend who goes there.

If you have a reluctant spouse, go it alone and cling to 1 Peter 3:1-2. Take the kids. 

4. If you do have a church home, but you feel disconnected - research ways to get plugged into the community aspect. There might be some growing pains, but I promise God will bless your efforts. Bible studies, small groups, women’s ministries, men’s ministries, marriage ministries, specialty groups - these all exist. You just have to do some digging. Be bold. Ask questions!

5. If you do feel plugged in to the community aspect of your church, start finding ways to serve. This might have some growing pains as well, but again, God will bless your efforts. Serving in Sunday School is NOT the only option btw. If changing another child’s diapers makes you want to run for the hills (hi, it me), I promise you God has another opportunity for you. He knows your heart, He GAVE you your gifts. Ask Him for guidance in how to use them!

6. Start tithing. This one might make you itch. It made our household itch for a good while, but I am here to tell you, the minute you start asking Him to help you understand that it’s ALL HIS TO BEGIN WITH, the fingers wrapped around your wallet will loosen, and YOU.WILL.BE.BLESSED. I’m not talking Prosperity Gospel blessed, I’m talking the real, lasting blessing of taking a massive step in rightly placing your treasure in the hands of the Father.  

7. Last but not least, start noticing. Notice those triggers or temptations that want to suffocate your green grass. Also notice the beauty around you… I know this seems trite, but do it. Every morning, walk outside with your coffee and look at a flower. Heck, look at a roly poly. Listen to the birds. Smell the fresh air. Touch the green grass. This world is God’s canvas, and half the time we miss it. Make this is summer of noticing!

Father God! Creator who makes all things new. What better example of your creativity and intricate design than SUMMER?! The word alone brings a sense of light-heartedness and joy, God, and it is all a gift from you! As we step into this season, let us notice YOU. Let us be a light for you. In obedience and reverence, let us prioritize you! Setting aside any legalistic tendencies, Father please keep us close to you and protect us from suffocating temptations. Go before and behind us, and lay your loving hand upon our shoulder. Meet us where we are, and help us turn right back to you when we stray. We trust you and we know your path is always best! Bless our efforts like only you can, Father God. In Jesus’ perfect name I pray, Amen.

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