Do you look like the world?

(5 minute reading time)

Changing the way we look and feel seems to top the list of New Year’s Resolutions. 

Lose weight, eat better, exercise more, get organized, etc. 

Changing how I look in 2021 compared to how I look as I write this isn’t exactly a lofty goal considering I sit braless in pajamas with a dirty bun and a puffy face from too much thai food last night. 

So yeah, some better choices about what goes in my body and how I move it to feel better are probably in order!

I love the wellness industry and most days am a health nut who loves to exercise. I’m ALL FOR taking care of YOU from the inside out, and this obviously includes eating better, sleeping more and moving your body daily.

But those changes won’t change me (or you) the way I want to change. 

If you are in Christ, you will likely feel an urge to be different than what the world says you should be. Somewhere in the rat race of do more, be more, look better, feel better there might be a nagging voice in the back of your mind asking you, “For what? For whom?” 

If the answer to that question is for anyone other than for Jesus… it will be fleeting. 

I know this because I’ve lived it.

Most of my life, I have been cool. Yes I just wrote that. It’s gross to admit, but whatever. I’ve had friends, been popular, been athletic, and I’ve excelled academically (minus a very lazy college report card… or 4, but that’s another story for another day). 

But it was not without a price. 

Somewhere in the do more, be the best, you can have it all the world told me, I developed a pretty gnarly anxiety disorder (albeit undiagnosed at the time). In order to cope, I developed an eating disorder. From there, it morphed into anorexia athletica (over-exercising) and from there, I developed a binge-eating disorder. 

Sooo yeah, that’s where chasing what the world said I needed to be did for me.

While I know the Bible tells us not to worry over and over again in scripture, and I also firmly believe there likely is a root cause beneath my anxiety, I also know I serve a personal God who knows my heart and what it needs in order to be more like Him. 

And ladies and gents, it appears homegirl needed (and continues to need) humility.

As with many sappy, silver-lining 2020 stories, in May of this year, I finally realized I couldn’t cope with my anxiety anymore. All my old tricks had run out. My knees were busted from too much running, I now have 2 kiddos whom I want to have healthy views of food so clinging to old, unhealthy eating habits simply isn’t an option, and though I was still turning to food as comfort, it didn’t ever make me feel better in the end. 

After years of seeking counselor after counselor, trying every eating trend to minimize inflammation, accupuncture, bodywork, taking every supplement to support adrenals and hormones, cutting out alcohol, cutting out caffeine - if it claimed to lessen anxiety, I friggin did it, but the anxiety always came roaring back. 

In sum, finally admitting I have an anxiety disorder and need prescription medicine was the biggest shot to my pride of my whole life. For the record, if you struggle with anxiety or depression, you are not less than. I personally just had a very, very skewed vision of what this meant. To me, it meant I was weak, it meant I was broken, it mean I needed help. And guess what? I am all those things! I am weak, broken, and I need a Savior. When I finally admitted all of this, do you know what our loving God has done?

He’s improved my life, my relationships, my parenting, my career. Honestly everything. When he helped me set my pride to the side and lean into Him, He has opened doors I didn’t even know could be opened.

This does not at all mean my life is now pefect, but I tell you this because the temptation to be better, do better, excel, change, etc. can be so intense with the beginning of a new year, motives can be skewed. I challenge us to see 2021 as a chance to look DIFFERENT from the world, not more like it. 

What does this look like for you? 

For me, it looks like more humility. It looks like more of the things that shift focus onto Him and off of me. 

We are called to be salt and light. Do you know what this means? It means we’re not supposed to look like the world. We’re supposed to stand out and up for Christ. And guess what? A lot of the time, this means we don’t look cool.

If that doesn’t motivate you, maybe this will:

Acts 19: 13-16 “Some [non-believing] Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed. They would say, “In the name of the Jesus whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out.” Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. One day the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?” Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding.”

I don’t know about you, but the thought of evil forces not recognizing me as someone who truly stands for Christ but as someone who blends into the background makes me feel ill.

Aw hell naw. YOU KNOW ME. I’m with Jesus! And you better be scared!

As we step into this new year with all the pressure to make changes to feel, look, and do better... What *lasting* changes for Christ do you want to make?

How can we make them? 

This week’s scripture suggestions dig into how to thoughtfully consider where you need to make a change for Christ. It might hurt, but I promise you it will be worth it. Don’t forget to use the FEAST method as you study to help you dissect the passage.

Lastly, you don’t have to do this alone! Please, please know we are made to walk with others because this world is dang hard. If you’re not connected to a church body, make that a goal. If you’re in a church home, but you’re not in any relationships where you can share vulnerably and ask for accountability, make that a goal. Pray for these things, and He will provide them. I promise because HE promises!

Father God, you are I AM. You are God of all creation, highest of high, worthy of all praise and thanksgiving. And yet you listen to our cries and you understand our needs! We confess occupying our minds and hearts with fleeting obsessions and idols. Strip us of them Lord in order to make room for YOU! If there is a blindspot to our sin, let it be revealed. And Lord? Please walk with us. This can be so scary and hard, but we know it’s always, always worth it if it draws us nearer to you and further into the likeness of Christ. Thank you for the person reading this God! They are longing to be closer to you, and we know that blesses you beyond comprehension. Please don’t let it be in vain! God bless us as we walk into a new year. Give us new resolve and your Spirit of power, love and a sound mind - all of which are gifts from you alone! In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.

This Week’s Scripture Suggestions

Sunday/Monday: Psalm 139:23-24; Psalm 131
Tuesday: John 14:26
Wednesday: 2 Corinthians 12:9-11
Thursday: Psalm 16:11; Prov 16:9
Friday: Galatians 2:20
Saturday: Romans 12:1-2

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All about the benjamins, baby.