Episode 6: Be Salty... A Warning to the WASPs
Father God, you know and see all. In our fear and in our sin, we think we can control things by avoiding them or acting like they don't exist. Only YOU have ultimate control God, and wow, thank goodness it's you and not us. Lord let us bring you glory by letting our sin out into the light so you can shine your goodness into it! We love you and we trust you. Help us live like it! In Jesus Name, Amen.
Suggested Scripture for the week - be sure to follow along on Instagram @claiborne.creative where we do a quick "Morning Minute" diving into each verse!
Sunday/Monday: Ephesians 4:30 (misquoted this as 3:40 in the video ;)
How does it make your heart feel to know you can grieve the Holy Spirit? Does anything come to mind you need to repent?
Tuesday: 2 Timothy 3:16
Do you find yourself wanting to leave out some parts of the Bible because they feel "old" or irrelevant? Do you tend to think some things no longer apply?
Wednesday: Philippians 3:5-6
Do you find yourself trying to stand on your works and/or accomplishments? What if they all went away?
Thursday: Jeremiah 17:9
All throughout culture these days we hear "Follow your heart!" or some variation of that. Challenge yourself to memorize this verse to help you check in with the Holy Spirit before impulse heart following.
Friday: Matthew 18:15-17
Does this scripture and/or this week's talk bring any unresolved sin or conflict to mind? Confess it and let Him guide you in how to handle it!
Saturday: Romans 8:31
No one likes to do or expose hard things - especially where relationships are concerned. Remember who is for you and let His power work in and through you!