Episode 9: Be Salty, Not Comfy

Father God, You know everything about us - our coming our going our sitting down and our standing up. You know the best for us and have the best for us in mind even when we can't see it! God will you please remind us of Your sovereignty and Your grace? Will you please be gentle as you reveal the offensive ways within us? Most of all, will you help us focus on You and all the promises we have in eternity because of Jesus when we start to feel scared or like we just can't do it? We can't do anything without you and we don't want to! Help us believe this! In Jesus Name, Amen.

Suggested Scripture for the Week. Be sure to follow along on Instagram for the "Morning Minute" with these verses each morning.

Sunday/Monday: Eph 3:20-21

What attributes and characteristics of God are mentioned in these verses? Praise Him for them and ask Him to help you live like you believe them!

Tuesday: Eph 4:1

What calling has God put on all of our lives? How can you live this out today in the mundane?

Wednesday: 2 Thes 2:11

What are the good things your faith prompts you to do? These can be seemingly small or overwhelmingly large. With Him at the center, it ALL matters. Ask Him to guide you toward His will for your day.

Thursday: Hebrews 13:8

Let the promise that Jesus is unchanging fuel you through the ever-changing circumstances of our world and our day to day. Our plans and expectations can change minute by minute, but we can rest in the promise that He is not affected by the ways the world moves us.

Friday/Saturday: Psalm 139

He is everywhere! God cannot be contained to the human understanding we try to place around Him. We can trust Him when we ask Him to reveal any way that is offensive to Him. He is a gentle, loving, good God who has plans beyond our wildest dreams in store for us.