Episode 2: Be Salty, Not Petty

Because the recording is unedited... I need to clarify: There is no substitute for knowing God and reading His word. By walking with Him and inviting Him into your daily life, He blesses us with the privilege of getting to know Him better.

Father God, you are full of mercy and kindness and PEACE. With this gift of peace, you have also given us a sound mind. Lord, we forget this! I personally seek to find my value from who the world says I am, and I bet someone else reading this does too. Thank you for the promise that because of what Jesus did on the cross, we are viewed as LOVED and BELOVED by You - The One and ONLY God of the Universe - and nothing can change this! Father, as we step into this week, will you please help us walk with you and know you more? Will you please remind us who we are because of what Jesus did? Will you let this be enough when the world gets loud… or it gets too quiet? In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Suggested Scripture and Questions for the Week

Sunday/Monday: Psalm 103

List the attributes of God from this passage and pick one or two to focus on this week.

Tuesday: John 3:16 and Psalm 23

Do you struggle to understand how much God loves you? (I do!) Pray for a deeper understanding of what happened on the cross and just how much He loves you! List all the ways the Psalm speaks of God's love in action for us.

Wednesday: Judges 11:1-10

Have you ever felt set aside or unwanted? What does God think of those who are outcast by the world?

Thursday: Judges 12:1-4

Can you think of a time you acted out of pettiness? What was the result?

Friday/Saturday: Psalm 103

Revisit this list of the attributes of God and commit a few to memory.

Challenge: Pray to live this week LETTING HIS LOVE FOR YOU BE ENOUGH.


Episode 3: Be Salty... and Stop There.


Episode 1: Be Salty - Stop Living in Fear