Episode 3: Be Salty... and Stop There.
Suggested Scripture and Questions for the Week
Sunday/Monday: Deuteronomy 4:23-24
Do you think of God as jealous for your affections? Does this help put into perspective just how much He loves you and wants to commune with you?
Tuesday: Judges 17
Where did Micah miss the point? Where do we miss the point?
Wednesday: Psalm 139
List all the places the Psalmist says God's presence is.
Thursday: Matthew 5:13
Salt needs nothing added to it to do its job. Remember this is true for our faith as well! All we need is God. He is provider, He will make your paths straight. Pray for dependence on Him this week.
Friday/Saturday: Jeremiah 29:11
Do you believe He has good plans for you? Do you believe they're good enough that He doesn't need your help adding to them?
Challenge: Prayerfully surrender whatever God is jealous you're putting in His place and taking up room for His glory.