Episode 1: Be Salty - Stop Living in Fear

The first video in a series about fighting back on fear and living in God's will for your life with courage and hope. Each week includes a 15 minute video devotional with an option for audio-only. To subscribe to the weekly devotional that is emailed every Sunday night at 8:30pm, email maryclay@claiborne-creative.com Father God, thank you for the opportunity to do this.

Father God, thank you for the opportunity to do this. Your name is worthy of all praise all the time, and I pray Your name alone would be glorified through Be Salty. Father, we all fear something. For some of us, the fear is so comfortable we cannot imagine life without it. God, I confess my fear of man and what people think of me, and I confess my fear of what it looks like to REALLY lay down my life and follow you. Whatever the person reading this needs to lay at your cross and shed from their shoulders, will you please bring it to mind and heart in your gentle, loving way? Will you help them know there is no room for guilt or shame in your love? We love you and we trust you. We are COUNTING on you, God! Help us do this. In Jesus holy name I pray, Amen.

Suggested Scripture and Questions for the Week

Sunday/Monday: Matthew 5:13

What does salt do to food? What does food that needs salt taste like?

Have there been moments this week where you looked like the world?

What does being salty look like for you in everyday life?

Tuesday: Proverbs 16:9 and Proverbs 19:21

Where are you making plans without God? Is this a reason there's fear there? What would it look like to lay those plans at His feet and let Him move?

Wednesday: Psalm 81:16 and Numbers 20:9-11

If God can pull honey from rock and water from stone, what can't He do? Where can you trust Him to provide all that you need? Stop and thank Him for all the ways He provides.

Thursday: Exodus 20:3

A god is anything we worship or seek or trust aside from the one and only God. Have you ever thought of fear as a false god bringing false comfort and false sense of control? We are human and we will feel fear, but we have the freedom not to sit in it. Confess any ways you're sitting in a fear and ask Him to relieve you from this burden of lies.

Friday/Saturday: Psalm 130:5

Where are you counting on the Lord?

Challenge: Pray to live this week COUNTING ON HIM moment by moment.