Episode 4: Be Salty, Not Slouchy.

Father God, you are our confident hope. We trust you and we know your will for our lives is good! Help us this week notice where we try to replace You as our confidence by putting it into fleeting, worldly things. Thank you that you tell us to be anxious for NOTHING! You’ve got it all handled, and you’re not at all ashamed of us. Let us run to you and into your will with open arms this week. It’s always better there. In Jesus Name, Amen

Suggested Scripture for the Week

Sunday/Monday: Ephesians 6:10-18

Pray through this passage and imagine physically putting on every piece of this armor. The sword is the only offensive weapon, and the sword is God’s word! Use it to fight the enemy this week and always.

Tuesday: Phil 1:6

What are you praying you’ll see through to completion right now - big or small - doesn’t matter! Lay it at His feet and ask for the faith to know His will will done, and you can rest in it!

Wednesday: 2 Cor 10:12 & 18

Pray for the Holy Spirit to call this verse to mind the next time you want to compare yourself to so-and-so. Pray for Him to rewire your brain pathways so this thinking stops!

Thursday: 2 Cor 10:17

Write out a list of ways you can boast in the Lord today! Hint to get you started: He is Victorious! He is for you, so who could be against you! He is MIGHTY! You could also go through the alphabet A-Z and name a boast-worthy characteristic of God for each letter.

Friday/Saturday: 2 Cor 12:8-10

Where do you feel weak right now? Praise Him for these weaknesses and tell Satan to hit the road anywhere he meddles in your head!