“You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.” Psalm 139:5

I stray. I do things I shouldn’t, I say things I wish I didn’t… I think things I don’t want to think.

The words of this Psalm remind me I’m never too far gone for Him to lovingly hem me in and set my feet back on solid ground. In light of this loving reminder, I’ve named this devotional blog Hem Me In.

I am far from having it all together. I cuss sometimes, I drink too many margs sometimes, I yell at my kids sometimes, I gossip sometimes, I get jealous and envious sometimes… but in His grace, He goes before and behind me no matter how many reasons I give Him to give up on me! (I’m not excusing said sinful behavior - just leveling with you here ;)

Below you’ll find what I hope to be a reflection of my heart as a wife, mother, friend, business owner, forgiven sinner and follower of Jesus.

I also hope to make you laugh, but I typically laugh the loudest at my own jokes and then re-tell them in case anyone missed it…
so really no promises there.

Whether you know Jesus, just met Jesus, thought you knew Jesus, want to know Jesus,
aren’t sure about Jesus or are wondering whether He knows you...

Please note: In September 2022, devotional formatting evolved from written devotionals stored under the title Hem Me In (archived below) into video devotionals titled Be Salty. By subscribing below, you will opt into 15 minute video and podcast devotionals sent every Sunday evening at 8:30pm. These also include a prayer over your week as well as scriptural questions to get you into the word.

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Hem Me In